Can I Claim Car Registration Fees on Taxes

Department of Taxation and Finance

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Featured Resources

person on phone and computer

Choose an online service

We offer a number of online services to fit your busy lifestyle. Check your payment balance, file a return, make a payment, or respond to a department notice—anywhere, anytime.

Log in or create an account


Learn about STAR benefits for homeowners

If you've recently bought a home, or never applied for the STAR benefit on your current home, you should investigate the STAR options available to you. You may save hundreds each year!

Visit the STAR resource center

Online Services user on smartphone and laptop

Use Sales Tax Web File

Log in to your Business Online Services account to Web File your sales tax returns. With Web File, you can schedule payments in advance, save your bank account information for future use, and update your business information.

Web file your return

Father and son looking at laptop on kitchen table

Tax Department response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Owners of property subject to a tax lien sale or tax foreclosure who own ten or fewer residential dwelling units (including their primary residence) may declare a COVID-19-related hardship if they meet certain conditions. See Tax Department response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for more information.

View COVID response

woman with a laptop on lap who's on phone while looking at her wrist watch

Pay with Quick Pay (for individuals only)

Need to make a payment toward a bill, notice, or IPA? Use Quick Pay to pay directly from your bank account. There's no fee and you don't need an Online Services account.

Pay with Quick Pay

teal calendar

View our due dates calendar

Looking for your due date? View our calendar of filing due dates for corporation tax, personal income tax, and sales tax.

Find your due date

What's New

Posting requirements for tax return preparers and facilitators

If you're a tax return preparer, facilitator, or both, you have new posting requirements. By January 1, 2022, you must post certain items—prominently and conspicuously—at every location where you provide tax preparation or facilitation services.

See posting requirements

HUT renewal for 24th series decals

23rd series highway use tax (HUT) and automotive fuel carrier (AFC) Certificates of Registration and decals expire December 31, 2021. To ensure your 24th series decals arrive by January 1, renew your credentials and pay your renewal fees online today with One Stop Credentialing and Registration (OSCAR).

Learn about renewal

Instructions for responding to a bill or notice

We created step-by-step instructions to help you successfully respond to a bill or notice online. Whether you agree with our notice or bill, need to provide additional information, or want to challenge a Tax Department decision, responding online is the fastest, easiest way to resolve an issue.

View instructions

Featured in November

International fuel tax agreement (IFTA) renewal

Renew your credentials, and pay your renewal fees online with One Stop Credentialing and Registration (OSCAR). Submit your renewal application by December 31, 2021 to avoid delays.

Renew now

Employer Compensation Expense Program

The Employer Compensation Expense Program (ECEP) established an optional Employer Compensation Expense Tax (ECET) that employers can elect to pay if they have employees that earn over $40,000 annually in wages and compensation in New York State.

  • Enrollment for tax year 2022 will begin on October 1, 2021.
  • An employer will make an annual affirmative election to participate in the ECEP no later than December 1 to pay the optional tax in the following calendar year.


Extended filing and payment due dates for New Yorkers impacted by Post-Tropical Depression Ida

If you were affected by Post-Tropical Depression Ida, we may have extended your due date.For more information, view N-21-5, Announcement Regarding Extension of Certain October 15 Deadlines for Taxpayers Affected by Post-Tropical Depression Ida.

If you applied for an extension of time to file your personal income tax or New York C corporation tax return but were not affected by Post-Tropical Depression Ida, your return is still due October 15, 2021.

View guidance

Important changes to the IRS Child Tax Credit

The new Child Tax Credit from the federal government provides up to $3,600 per child. If you have a dependent child and haven't already received your payment, you should check with the IRS as soon as possible.

Learn about IRS Tax Credit

Missed a due date?

If you haven't filed and paid your tax, use our penalty and interest calculator to calculate your late filing and late payment penalties and interest.

Note: Only use this calculator if you're sending your late return and late payment together.

Calculate penalty

FAQs about filing requirements, residency, and telecommuting

This page summarizes current New York state law and guidance relating to frequently asked questions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Explore our Financial Education Program

The Financial Education Program is a series of short modules and videos designed to take you through the benefits available to you and the responsibilities you have as a New York State taxpayer. You can start anywhere in the series or review all the modules. This is for you—let us know what you think!

Explore our program


Can I Claim Car Registration Fees on Taxes


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